Testing out the 510-Pyro developer which is available to buy or be used to develop your B&W films when sent in for processing.

  • Film – Ilford HP5+ at 400ISO
  • Developer – 510-Pyro at 1+100
    • Time – 8:15 Ilford Standard Agitation
    • Temp – 20 degC
  • Camera – Rollei SL35 + 50mm 1.8
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510 Pyro Test-1

510 Pyro Test-10

510 Pyro Test-11

510 Pyro Test-12

510 Pyro Test-13

510 Pyro Test-14

510 Pyro Test-15

510 Pyro Test-16

510 Pyro Test-17

510 Pyro Test-18

510 Pyro Test-19

510 Pyro Test-2

510 Pyro Test-20

510 Pyro Test-21

510 Pyro Test-3

510 Pyro Test-4

510 Pyro Test-5

510 Pyro Test-6

510 Pyro Test-7

510 Pyro Test-8

510 Pyro Test-9